Wednesday, September 15, 2010

15September 2010..

Today,we go and watch Resident Evil...This movie is SUCK!!!
the staff still have the right to stop the movie and look for the under-aged people....diu koi!!!

most important we met LA!!!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010 old friend AiVee...

Khoo Ai Vee, who i known her since kindergarden...(青梅竹马 )
she is a very nice, kind, optimistic lady...
why i say so? try to notice her, she like to laugh,always...haha

I think this is our 1st photo during our kindergarten...haha...cute?

This photo taken b4 she leave for her oversea study...will miss you...

i am here to wait for you...wait for you coming back penang....

may god bless you all..

Mobile Blogging from here.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri...

Yesterday i just came back frm KL, can said Balik Kampong also la...haha

i just finish my Advanced Diploma in Electronic Engineering examination.

maybe is my foundation problems cause me feeling tough about this course, or maybe it is really tough? No need talk about that anymore, at least i can finish all the paper(p/s: no all pass!!)after 1st of October will know my result...

Dun talk about the sad things already...

After finish my last paper(Computer System Engineering I), there was a briefing about internship

this internship program is optional for our AEL1, and now i am considering 2 situation that are help Mr. Pang or go for my industrial training? Any ideas? is the internship important or final year project more important?

I think i should decide before my new semester come again...

i wish i can get at least a 3 for my past semester result..

and the importan things...Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri...

may god bless you all..

Friday, July 9, 2010

A great lesson(8/7/2010)

Today, I have learnt somethings new---- Copyright

I have done a very wrong thing from the beginning…

I had copy people works, and get caught today…

This is really a good experience and lesson… tomorrow will go to apologize, hope that he can forgive us…

I regret my ignorance on the lab report. I swear this problem will not happen again…

may god bless you all..

Saturday, July 3, 2010


this is my new shoes, i just brought it yesterday at pavilion..
and we having out dinner at TGI Friday...we enjoy ourself fully...
after that, movie hours...Karate Kidzz
when on the way going back hostel, we saw most of the 988 DJ sit at dere yam cha...really first time..haha

quite old bag, but still very nice!!!

happy 20th birthday for Chee Kang

may god bless you all..

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Convention 2010

Last week(20 of june), we have our great time in stadium bukit jalil...
that was my first time in this kind of GRAND concert...
Last last time de concert in Penang International Sport Arena(PISA) not so crowded compared to this time...
hope i can join this convention next year and the following years....

may god bless you all..

During class in KL

Sunday, June 6, 2010

5/6/2010 saturday

Yesterday, we went to Pavilion, Bukit Bintang for movie (Prince of Persia: the sands of time)…
that a really good movie...
we enjoyed very well..

Before go for movie, i and some of my friends have some time in Times' bookstore...

at there i found some books that is interesting...
2 books also have the same author, John C. Maxwell...

“I may not be able to change the world I see around me, but I can change what I see within me.”

“Friendship consists of a willing ear, an understading heart and a helping hand.” By Frank Tyger

“Strangers are what friends are made of.” By Cullen Hightower

“Change is always the goal of learning. You cannot have growth without change.”

“You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other peole than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.” By Dale Carnegie

Healthy people are…

  • · More willing to change.
  • · More willing to admit failure.
  • · More willing to discuss issues.
  • · More willing to learn from others.
  • · More willing to do something about the problem.
  • · Able to travel light.

Hurting people are…

  • · Less willing to change.
  • · Less willing to admit failure.
  • · Less willing to discuss issues.
  • · Less willing to learn from others.
  • · Less willing to do something about the problem.
  • · Carrying a lot of baggage.

may god bless you all..

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

My Primary Classmates...

Yesterday, my primary friend,Hui Fang upload this memorable photo to facebook and tag all my primary classmates....
So happy to see them again(i think about 7-8years did not meet liao)..
Now all already 20years old liao lo..
everyone had change a lot lo, i means physically changes...haha...
girl= lenglui whereas boy=man or lengzai...laugh out loudly(LOL)
May be some I will not really remember them already..especially li zhen
I am here to apologize for my shorten memories...

I have a lot of questions to ask all of them lo...
Who ever wanna married liao?(LOL)
Where are you now?still study or work?
Is everything OK?
and most important:
Still remember me?LOL

I am really cannot wait for the gathering liao....
hope i able to join them...
and also hope they plan to gather during the most suitable time for all....

may god bless you all..

Friday, May 28, 2010


在KL 的两个礼拜,过得还蛮习惯的。。(不习惯也得说习惯,细微还要在那里两年 现在才两个星期)
很不幸的,我的课到6点,老天爷像是跟我作对酱 下起大雨来了。。。
还好有ning 的姐姐(不知道她叫什么名,ning也不告诉我 )。。
是她把我们载到titiwangsa station,好让我们不用转站。。。

到了LRT station,又有出错了。。
我们上了ampang 的LRT,还好我聪明在chow sow ling 换了前往sri petaling 的LRT。。

到了bukit jalil bas station,还要等上20分钟才可以上巴士。。
上巴士第一座的第一件事就是:吹冷气。。 呵呵。。


may god bless you all..

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Cheryl Lee Xin Yi ( 李欣怡 )

最近看到一个女生,她的脸型 动作 高度 都很像欣怡。。

Monday, May 17, 2010



Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Result for Diploma in Electronics Engineering(Year2 Sem3)

I am feel embarrass about year2 sem3 de result....
just solid B only...i am also wandering why...Amway?
but i think not really is about Amway lo...because i just start for about few weeks...
maybe is self-problems..

Now going for my Advanced Diploma lo...hope i can done well in that!!!!

that is a lot of things learnt from SAC are not only for business used...
for example, 会前会,会中会,会后会。。
before do somethings, we MUST plan everything. During the process, we must fully co-operate with each other(配合). Lastly, we MUST also reflect back what we have done whether it is right or wrong.

and one sentence from teacher:


may god bless you all..