Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Let"s countdown........

Let us countdown for Year 2009!!!!!
i thk still hav bout 23hours++ oli....
on the other hand(only for Tarcian), also have 2 countdown for our EXAM....
Im not here to scare you all, the EXAM is really on the corner alrealy!!!(bout 15days only)...
And now, i thk most of us were feel the time past abnormally(i means speedy!!!)

Don't scared by EXAM,
EXAM is Education EXERCISES, questions, or tasks set to test a person's knowledge and skill levels only...
Treat EXAM like a game, get the highest score as high as you can...
But before going into the exam hall, you MUST set up your score target...
For me is.........haha....
If you have your own target, you will fight harder for that score!!!!
As usual, if you set you score even higher you will work even harder!!!!
Set up your own target to motivate up yourself!!!!

Is time for us to stress up ourself....Certain stress are good for us, can motivate up ourself...
Don't spent alot of time on playing game, sleeping and oso eating :P..haha...
Spent more time on your study...

My friends, we hav 2 study smart!!!!

Before i end up,
HAPPY NEW YEAR,my friends....
Edison said before:
A genius is the combination of 99% of hardworks and 1% of luck!!!!
So, study hard to get the highest score!!!

May God Bless You...

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