Sunday, December 14, 2008

WEEk 11!!

wah, time is not like playing musics(cannot pause)...
2day i dint go back 2 my house, because of CS' night yesterday.....

and im staying in my hostel whole day, can said daydream la...haiz
although i hav alot of free time at here, i study abit nia...
first of all, i go 4 ES2....
refer back to all my notes, what had been done by me during lecturer hours?
i totally forgot!!!!

after some times(i thk is about 1 and a half hours), i go for movie...(百万大歌星)
i decided 2 take 5 oli, but i keep on watching it until now!!!!
i spent the whole day on tat stupid movie....SHIT...

and now, im still wasting my life for blogging..
wahlao, i thk i better stop here la...

Make a wish first......hehe..

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