Sunday, November 2, 2008

im miss u!!!!

duno wat happen recently?i cannot control mind keep missing about u..
when the time i view ur blog, im really sad until cannot spoke and joke...

M i crazy?im really confuse tat which type of love we r...Friends love or........i thk is friends love gua..haiz..
now, i decided 2 dun care about LOVE.. im wanna fully concentrate on my STUDY...n not LOVE..aim for 4flat!!!!死了都要爱 NOT SUIT ME AT ALL!!!
im really wanna cry!!!tis is my 1st time i feel like HELL!!!
word can kill, im strongly agree..but the following "word can oso heal",im disagree...
now is already Week 5,im must work even harder!!!IF I THINK I CAN, IM REALLY CAN!!!
"If you work harder, you will get luckier" per Anita Sarawak dictum.

words can kill but they can also heal,
acts like a lion but not a snail,
always listen and not just hear,
drink more water but not beer.
learn to speak and don't just talk,
don't be a lame duck,
but walk your talk,
don't make yourself funny and face the reality,
stop to blame but start the flame,
gain the knowledge and make a fame,
arm yourself with skills and enjoy the game.(Words from Marcusnhl)

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