Thursday, November 20, 2008

What did you all see??

Humans, i means all of us..will just read the BLACK dot on the Blank paper..m i corerect?
Im still remember whats my BM tutor told us last time..
Mr Keng(my BM tutor):"When a very very good person done something wrong, people will just see the ONLY wrong thing that he done"
Same wif the picture above...
(a)White>>good things done by him
(b)Black >>wrong things done by him
MOST of the people just read the BLACK dot on the BLANK paper..Am i correct?
Im oso the one that just see the BLACK dot...
That means people dont care what good things you have done before, just know the ONLY bad thin that you done although you done everythings good except the ONLY ONE...

For your knowledge, “people don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care”, quoted from a world-renown motivational speaker, Zig Ziglar.

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