Sunday, December 21, 2008


yesterday, i went to Qsbay to buy some shirt and oso gather wif my "brother"..haha
wah, PADINI having a Sales (70%off) bronght 2 shirt at there(cost 80++nia)
i thk because of weekends, PADINI's fitting room oso have 2 Q up...
and after shopping, i ,mj,and his 7lou janis wait for my fren tat came back frm MLK(phong)...
quite a long time dint c him liao lo(bout 1month++), change alot(fatter)..hahaha..

Besides that, i oso brought the chrismas present liao...haha..quite nice...i like it!!!!

this coming New Year i brought some clothers oli...bout 2 pants wif 4 shirts nia...haiz...still not enough haha..
But nvm, still hav time 2 buy...haha
wish u all happy 冬至!!!

1 comment:

Y.S.Seong said...

Happy Merry Christmas!!!