Monday, February 9, 2009

5 Feb 2009

Today, Im went back to my secondary school. And I met up my friends that study in form6 and also my teachers. Im so happy that teachers still remember their student(I means me myself), I think because im naughty when in my secondary life gua…hahaha…

Mr Soong still the same, RM7.60(in Hookien ha-ha).

Puan Lian, my F5 class teacher, I ask her whether still remember my name or not..haha…consider remember la(she gave me an answer”kim…….”)haha…

Mr Loo(last time we called him “Huat Zai”), my F5 physics teacher, he already got his Bachelor of Master and I ask him to be a lecturer but he told me secondary school’s teacher more relax. (what a lazy guy haha..). im surprised that he ask me whether saw any new ”young” “female” teacher in chung hwa. Hahaha..7-brother oso haha
Besides that, I also met up my friends and talked nonsense... ha-ha...

I’m here to wish my TARC friends a happy holidays…
And for all my friends, good luck and fight harder for your future….

“A man will fight harder for his interests than for his rights.”from Napoleon

May God Bless You


XIN YI said...

h@ppy holid@y 2 u 2 tai lou ^^
dun lazzyyy har ...
muz always update ur blog ma

Y.S.Seong said...

yea lo must update ur blog always.... and u too happy holiday!!!!!